You will need to have Git previously installed in your computer. To check if you have it installed, open your terminal and type:
git --version
brew update
brew install git
In Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt install git
In CentOS
sudo yum install git
Once you have Git installed open your terminal, go to your desired directory, and type:
git clone
cd neural-networks
Open your terminal, go to your desired directory, and type:
cd neural-networks
You need to install the dependencies before running the notebooks.
If you don’t have conda installed already and want to use conda for environment management, you can install the miniconda as described here.
conda create -n nn-tutorial python=3.10
conda activate nn-tutorial
pip install -r requirements.txt
.python -m jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
python -m jupyter nbextension enable varInspector/main
conda remove -n nn-tutorial --all
If you do not have conda installed:
Alternatively, you can create the virtual env with venv
in the standard library
python -m venv nn-tutorial
and activate the env with $ source
Then, install the packages with pip within the activated environment
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
python -m jupyter nbextension enable varInspector/main
Afterwards, you should be able to run the provided notebooks.
After installing the package
You can start the jupyter notebook in the terminal, and it will start a browser automatically
python -m jupyter notebook
Alternatively, you can use supported Editor to run the jupyter notebooks, e.g. with VS Code.
Use cmd+Enter
to execute one cell block
The first part of the tutorial is in 1-neural_networks.ipynb
The second part of the tutorial is in 2-mnist_training.ipynb
This tutorial is registered Zenodo. Please use this DOI when citing this code:
author = {Santamaria Garcia, Andrea and
Xu, Chenran},
title = {Tutorial on basic neural network concepts},
month = 03,
year = 2024,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v1.0.1},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10792273},
url = {}
The content of this repository was developed by the AI4Accelerators team at the Institute of Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.